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The GeneBLAzer® PPAR alpha-UAS-bla HEK 293T Cellular Assay provides an accurate, sensitive, and easy-to-use method for monitoring the cellular response of PPAR alpha to drug candidates or other stimuli.

Features of the The GeneBLAzer® PPAR alpha-UAS-bla HEK 293T Cellular Assay:
Convenience—plate cells and perform assay without additional cell culture steps
Low Noise—the kit uses a Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-based ratiometric readout for minimum noise and error
Low Background—the GAL4 fusion prevents any background from endogenous receptor

The Cells
The GeneBLAzer® PPAR alpha-UAS-bla HEK 293T cells contain the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4 transiently transduced (via BacMam virus) into the GeneBLAzer® UAS-bla HEK293T cell line. GeneBLAzer® UAS-bla HEK 293T cells stably express a β-lactamase reporter gene under the transcriptional control of an upstream activator sequence (UAS).

The Assay
When an agonist binds to the LBD of the GAL4 (DBD)-PPAR alpha (LBD) fusion protein, the protein binds to the UAS, resulting in expression of β-lactamase. The FRET ratiometric readout from the live-cell substrate reduces the absolute and relative errors that can mask the underlying biological response of interest. PPAR alpha UAS-bla HEK 293T cells have been tested for assay performance using variable assay conditions, including cell number, stimulation time, substrate loading time and have been validated for Z′ and EC50 concentrations of GW7647. Additional testing data using alternate stimuli are also available. See the "validation packet" in the documents below to view the data.

Speed and Convenience
Because PPAR alpha UAS-bla HEK 293T cells are transiently transduced with BacMam virus, they are ready to be used in an assay without any additional cell culture steps. Just plate the cells and assay as outlined in the protocol.



For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




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