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Resuspension Buffer【包装:1 ml】
RNaseOUT™ Recombinant【包装:200 μl】
DNase I (1 U/μl)【包装:500 μl】
10X DNase I Buffer【包装:160 μl】
25 mM EDTA【包装:120 μl】
Oligo(dT)20 (50 μM)【包装:120 μl】
10 mM dNTP Mix【包装:100 μl】
SuperScript™ III RT (200 units/μl)【包装:100 μl】
5X RT Buffer【包装:600 μl】
0.1 M DTT【包装:100 μl】
E. Coli RNase H (2 U/μl)【包装:100 μl】
HeLa Total RNA (10 ng/μl)【包装:10 μl】
Forward Control Primer (10 μM)【包装:10 μl】
Reverse Control Primer (10 μM)【包装:10 μl】


The SuperScript® III CellsDirect cDNA Synthesis Kit is optimized for synthesizing first-strand cDNA directly from a mammalian cell lysate without first isolating the RNA. Lysis and reverse transcription are performed in the same tube, and the resulting first-strand cDNA is ready to use in cloning and PCR. For real-time quantitative RT-PCR, see the note below.

Advantages of the SuperScript® III CellsDirect cDNA Synthesis Kit include:

• Compatible with a wide range of mammalian cell types grown under different treatment conditions
• Single-tube format minimizes reagent loss, sample loss, and handling time
• Total lysate volume is used in first-strand cDNA synthesis reaction, providing greater yields with a limited number of cells and allowing for detection of rare transcripts
• SuperScript® III Reverse Transcriptase, with reduced RNase H activity and higher thermal stability, produces high yields of cDNA in the first-strand synthesis reaction, for greater sensitivity and enhanced detection of rare transcripts
• Generates high-quality cDNA for use in a variety of applications, including cloning and PCR
• Simple protocol takes less than 2 hours

How it works
In traditional RT-PCR, RNA is first isolated from cells in a time-consuming procedure that can lead to a loss of material. Using the SuperScript® III CellsDirect cDNA Synthesis System, the cells are lysed and the cDNA is generated from the lysate in a single tube with minimal handling and no sample loss. DNase I is added to eliminate genomic DNA prior to first-strand synthesis. This kit has been optimized for small cell samples, ranging from 10,000 cells down to a single cell (as measured by serial dilution). The use of SuperScript® III Reverse Transcriptase ensures high specificity and high yields of cDNA from small amounts of starting material—as little as 10 pg total RNA. After synthesis, the first-strand cDNA can be amplified with specific primers by PCR without intermediate organic extractions or ethanol precipitations.

Note: For real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) from cell lysate, we recommend the Cells-to-CT™ family of products for RNA extraction. These kits include reagents and protocols that have been specifically optimized for real-time qRT-PCR.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.




京ICP备15036693号-2    京公网安备11010802025653    版权所有:北京逸优科技有限公司       0.04

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