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固定和通透试剂,GAS001固定(试剂 A)和GAS002渗透(试剂 B)200次

包装: 1 KIT
运保温度: Store at room temperature.
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标准价: ¥客户可见
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The FIX & PERM® Cell Permeabilization Kit is used in flow cytometry for fixing and permeabilizing cells in suspension, allowing access of antibody to intracellular targets without sacrificing scatter characteristics.

The FIX & PERM® Cell Permeabilization Kit is:

• Flexible—compatible with multiple sample types and cellular antigens
• Robust—scatter pattern of cells unaffected
• Efficient—simultaneous detection of intracellular and surface markers

View a selection guide for all available FIX & PERM® productsand products related to sample preparation (including cell lysis and preservation solutions, blocking reagents, and information about the use of Dynabeads® cell separation products for cell isolation).

The FIX & PERM® formula was specifically designed to reduce background staining and allow simultaneous addition of fluorochrome-labeled antibodies during the permeabilization step.The FIX & PERM® Cell Permeabilization Kit is suitable for various biological samples and has been validated for use with cell lines, whole blood, and bone marrow. The FIX & PERM® kit has been shown to accurately identify previously undetectable intracellular markers. Unlike other fixation and permeabilization reagents available on the market, the FIX & PERM® staining protocol leaves the morphological scatter characteristics of the cells intact.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.






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