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Lanreotide is a peptide inhibitor of a number of endocrine, neuroendocrine, exocrine and paracrine functions. It shows good affinity for peripheral somatostatin receptors (anterior pituitary and pancreatic). In contrast, its affinity for central receptors is much lower. This profile confers a good specificity of action at the level of growth hormone and digestive hormone secretion. Lanreotide shows a much longer duration of action than natural somatostatin. In addition, its marked selectivity for the secretion of growth hormone, compared to that of insulin, makes it a suitable candidate for the treatment of acromegaly. By inhibiting the synthesis of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), lanreotide also normalised thyroid function of patients with thyrotrophin secreting adenomas in 50% (8/16) of the per-protocol population treated for 6 months. There was no significant reduction in the size of the adenoma. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of lanreotide on intestinal exocrine secretion, digestive hormones and cellular proliferation mechanisms is suited to the symptomatic treatment of endocrine digestive tumours, especially carcinoids. Lanreotide is an octapeptide, an analogue of a naturally occurring hormone, somatostatin. Lanreotide lowers the levels of hormones in the body such as GH (growth hormone) and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) and inhibits some digestive hormones and intestinal secretions.






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