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GeneRead Sequencing Buffer Q Kit (16)

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  • The world’s first truly complete NGS workflow: Rely on one partner to provide a seamlessly integrated workflow offering ease of use and efficiency from Sample to Insight.
  • Actionable insights: Create relevant reports using QIAGEN’s proven gene panels and bioinformatics.
  • Flexibility to fit your needs: Scalable batch sizes and continuous loading of multiple flow cells enable you to adapt and scale the GeneReader NGS System to match your needs and grow.
  • Guaranteed results with predictable costs: Innovative commercial models such as price-per-insight options offer better cost management and low initial investment hurdles.
  • Proven expertise and service for our customers: Our teams at QIAGEN are ready to support you in efficiently implementing, validating and operating GeneReader in your lab.
The GeneReader platform redefines the NGS workflow by providing unmatched batching flexibility with multiple flow cells (1-3). Its inventive turntable design makes it possible to sequence multiple samples (up to 42 samples at a time) independently and in a parallel or staggered manner. Random access, scalability and cost-efficiency mean that you can process samples when needed instead of when allowed by the sequencer. The GeneReader sequencing instrument is fully embedded into the Sample-to-Insight GeneReader NGS System. 

The GeneReader platform is now available for use with an expanded targeted gene panel menu, including the GeneRead QIAact Actionable insights Tumor, BRCA 1/2 and Lung DNA panels, covering copy number variants (CNVs), SNVs and Indel variants, to provide deeper cancer research insights than ever before.







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