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Phospho eNOS CBA Flex Set C7 100Tst

运保温度: stored at 4°C.
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Phospho eNOS (T495) Standard【子货号:51-9005394,,运保温度:4°C】
Phospho eNOS (T495) PE* Detection Reagent【子货号:51-9005396,,运保温度:4°C】
Phospho eNOS (T495) Capture Bead C7【子货号:51-9005397,,运保温度:4°C】


The BD™ CBA Phospho eNOS (T495) Flex Set is a bead-based immunoassay capable of measuring human endothelial nitric oxide synthase
(eNOS), a cell-type specific enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of nitric oxide, which has been threonine-phosphorylated at Thr-495 in denatured
cell lysate samples. Human reactivity was determined by testing cell lysates with the BD CBA Phospho eNOS (T495) Flex Set. The biology and
function of eNOS has been previously reviewed. For more information on bead-based immunoassays, refer to the product insert for the BD CBA
Cell Signaling Master Buffer Kit (Cat. No. 560005 or 560006).


This BD™ CBA Flex Set contains one vial of each component listed above. All components of this flex set have been formulated to a 50x
concentration to ensure product performance when multiplexed. Store at 4°C. Protect Capture Beads and the PE Detection Reagent from
prolonged exposure to light.
The Phospho eNOS (T495) Standard provided in this Flex Set is lyophilized and the standard sphere should be transferred to a 1.5 ml microfuge
tube for reconstitution. Reconstitute the standard with 0.1 ml Assay Diluent from the BD CBA Cell Signaling Master Buffer Kit (Cat. No.
560005/560006), warm to 37°C and vortex prior to use. After reconstitution, the standard concentration is 50,000 Units/ml and is stable for 3
months when stored at 4°C. When using reconstituted standard, warm to 37°C and vortex to mix thoroughly before use.






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