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Labconco 公司的Protector® 手套箱,全封闭型设计,为产品和实验操作者提供最高级别的保护。

根据客户的不同需要,Labconco Protector® 手套箱有多种机型可供选择。


A glove box is a sealed enclosure in which all handling of materials inside the box is carried out through long, relatively impermeable gloves secured to ports in the walls of the enclosure. The operator’s hands and forearms are placed in the gloves from the outside of the box so that the operator is able to manipulate items inside the box with relative freedom while viewing the operation through a window.

The purpose of a glove box is protection or isolation, which is provided by a physical barrier. Depending on the type of glove box, the physical barrier may be to isolate a sensitive material inside the box from environmental contamination or to protect the operator from hazardous materials being manipulated inside the box.




Precise Basic Glove Boxes
Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes
Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes
Protector Combination Glove Boxes
Protector Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes
Protector Multi-Hazard Glove Boxes
XPert Weigh Boxes


● 可便利地从基本型升级到全自动压力控制及净化/填充程序控制
● 自动压力控制器,可随时监测并控制调节手套箱内的压力,LED 显示

● 脚踏压力控制板,提高工作效率
● “一键式”净化/ 填充程序控制器,一次最多可自动进行4 套净化/ 填充程序,实现传递箱与手套箱均一的工作环境
● 箱体密闭,最高级别的隔绝。箱体内填充正压或负压人工气体,将氧含量及湿度控制在PPM 级低浓度水平,保护操作对象
● 3/8″厚大视野防爆玻璃窗,10º 倾角,最大限度防止眩目及光反射
● 可将玻璃窗拆下,方便装入较大的仪器
● 内衬有一次模压成型玻璃纤维或304 不锈钢两种材质供选择
● 手套材料为氯丁橡胶、丁基橡胶、天然橡胶,Hypalon 等,并有多种尺寸可供选择
● 手套与玻璃窗为双层联接,无渗透,操作方便且移动空间大。同时保证更换手套时保持手套箱内的人工气体环境
● 内置两个可由外部控制的电源插座
● 通过液泡计,可迅速将不正常的正负压力释放
● 内置荧光灯
● 多种配件备选


● 人工气体环境:水分小于5PPM,氧含量小于1PPM
● 包括大体积分子筛及铜氧化装置,吸附容量为660 克水及5 升氧气(标准温度、压力下)
● 系统具有自我再生功能
● 具有6CFM 风机,确保箱内气体完全循环

● 氢气净化装置,流量可调,保证循环全过程的安全操作
● 数字化记时、显示系统
● 独有的“一键式”全自动再生系统,也可手动控制,增加用户使用的灵活性
● 系统具有自我能量补偿功能,增加稳定性
● 具有真空释放开关


● 最高级别的保护操作人员和操作对象及环境
● 进出口双重HEPA过滤或活性炭吸附过滤,可达到99.99%的去微尘效率(0.3μm)
● 内衬有一次模压成型玻璃纤维和304 不锈钢两种材质供选择
3/8″厚大视野防爆玻璃窗,10º 倾角,最大限度防止眩目及光反射
● 手套材料为氯丁橡胶、丁基橡胶、天然橡胶、Hypalon 等,并有多种尺寸可供选择
● 内置可调式风机
● 手套与玻璃窗为双层联接,无渗透,操作方便且移动空间大。同时保证更换手套时保持手套箱内的人工气体环境
● 可将玻璃窗拆下,方便装入较大的仪器
● 内置两个可由外部控制的电源插座
● 内置荧光灯
● 多种配件备选



Protector® Glove Boxes are designed for use in controlled atmospheres (dry boxes) or for use with hazardous materials. Protector Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes provide a leak-tight environment for work with contamination-sensitive materials. Protector Multi-Hazard Glove Boxes provide HEPA filtration and a physical barrier to protect the user from exposure to potentially dangerous materials. Protector Combination Glove Boxes allow for handling both hazardous substances and atmosphere-sensitive materials. Protector Double Glove Boxes offer twice the working width.

Precise™ Glove Boxes provide an economical solution to more sophisticated gloveboxes. They have seamless, one-piece molded polyethylene shells that withstand chemicals and are easy to clean. Precise Basic Glove Boxes have a simple design, which allows them to be customized with optional accessories to meet application needs. Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes are designed to create low oxygen or moisture environments. Precise HEPA-Filtered Glove Boxes and XPert Weigh Boxes have inlet and outlet HEPA filters to protect the operator from hazardous airborne particulates and powders.

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